Saturday, December 5, 2009

(Art) Harbor Square Nights

A view of the Manila Yacht Club with the buildings along Roxas Boulevard at the distance. Taken from Harbour Square at around 00:49:27, December 5, 2009. PP was done to remove dust smudge in the image, resize for post and watermark.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

(Art) Taft-Vito Cruz in 30 Seconds

A sample of a 30 second time span in the Taft-Vito Cruz intersection. Taken with a D40 with 18-70mm lens. PP only for resize and watermark.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

(Tech) First Splash: Compiling Your First Program On Linux

I know kung fu... -- Neo, The Matrix

Welcome to the first entry on my blog. We get things rolling with something rather basic and not so special. For the total Linux noobs, the courageous ones who dare to be different from the rest of the typical computing crowd, this one's for you. Compiling your first source code.