Wednesday, December 25, 2013

(Tech) No Zoom, Just Plain Prime

I recall seeing a post on a social network a picture of a window of a building. The person who took it was saying something like, "This is what 26x is capable of..." 

I know it's no big deal. Though I was able to outdo it without any huge X-times zoom. So how was it done?

Friday, November 8, 2013

(Twist) Random Ramblings

Yeah, I'm out of words. Yet I feel compelled to write something... Anything. It's an insanity that I find amusing. Like a hand writing even after the pen's gone dry...

Saturday, September 14, 2013

(Tech) Cid Highwind Vibes

Anyone who has ever played Final Fantasy 7 may remember the character Cid and his airship the Highwind... After that Hindenburg tragedy I didn't think they'd still pursue the idea of airships other than being mere advertising platforms...

Monday, April 29, 2013

(Tech) 13.04 Is Out... Time Sure Flies

While I wasn't looking it appears that 1 year passed instantly. I only noticed when I realized that they already rolled out a new release... Check them out. Release 13.04, the Raring Ringtail is out!

Get it at